ECE student groups provide outlets for community building, K-12 outreach and service, and professional development. Our students also participate in interdisciplinary clubs and many social, professional, and cultural organizations at Georgia Tech.

ECE Ambassadors • ECE Graduate Student Organization • Eta Kappa Nu• 

Georgia Tech IEEE • The Hive • Women in Electrical and Computer Engineering


Our students receive awards through the Roger P. Webb Awards Program in ECE and awards events held by other organizations and offices on campus. This year’s winners include:

Daniel Canales, Diego Fratta
ECE Graduate Teaching Assistant Excellence Award

Annie Lu, Ahmad Mustafa, Zishen Wan, Mohammadreza Zandehshahvar
ECE Graduate Research Assistant Excellence Awards

Huijin Chung, Xinpei Ni
ECE Undergraduate Research Award

Lydia Wuqiong Han
ECE Faculty Award

Theodore Lambert
ECE Outstanding Service and Outreach Award

Felix Pei
Outstanding Electrical Engineering Senior Award

Ethan G. Weinstock
Outstanding Computer Engineering Senior Award